
We are Outword Magazine. For over 26 years, we have helped connect and maintain our community.

We have been Sacramento’s source for LGBTQ+ information, politics, entertainment and so much more. Since the recent economic downturn, and closure of businesses that helped distribute our publication, we have had to go to an online-only format.

Many of our advertisers have cut their advertising budgets, or have completely stopped advertising in our magazine altogether.

We have never asked for help before, however, in order to keep publishing online and to keep paying our staff of three and a few of our writers, we have established this site for our readers or local businesses should they wish to support us. If you consider us a valuable and vital resource for the LGBTQ+ community, thank you in advance for your support.


We’ve designated supporter levels according to the colors in the LGBTQ+ rainbow flag. Please click on the buttons below to be redirected to our virtual tip jar to contribute the amount of your choice.

We accept the above credit cards.

*No refunds, please. If you make a mistake while contributing to our fund, please let us know (by contacting us at the links below, and we will work with you to correct the error.


Thank you for your interest in the Outword Rainbow Fund. If you have any questions, please contact us at info@outwordrainbowfund.com